Minuteman Monthly
The Minuteman
Monthly Newsletter has been discontinued, sorry.
This Page Last Updated 12/03/2010

The Democrats are coming!!
The Democrats are coming!!
we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to
take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the
basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously
work and sacrifice for that freedom."
President John F. Kennedy
Wow, was JFK a lot different from Ted Kennedy or
Please sign up for my free newsletter. This
is a once a month newsletter that I will send out near the beginning of every month.
I may send out an emergency alert
or other information that I feel might be interesting or pertinent.
These e-mails might be as often as 1 or 2 times a week. These often
involve interesting Web sites, or current issues that need to be addressed
more than once a month.
If you only want
the Minuteman Monthly Newsletter, please choose "No Alerts" during
registration. Or just send me an E-mail at info@savetheguns.com
will also send out timely e-mails about upcoming legislation, if you so choose
during registration. These alerts will be very few and far between and
will consist of only those of great importance.
Please stay in touch with your own statewide firearm
related bills through the NRA-ILA
and Gun Owners of America and
you registered as a Minuteman Monthly Subscriber, and have not been receiving
the issues and occasional alerts, it is because your E-mail account has been
closed or has other problems. Please keep your E-mail address current
and type the address carefully.
The Minutemen were patriotic
civilians of Massachusetts and several other New
England colonies, who volunteered to fight the enemy at a minute's notice.
In 1774 the Massachusetts Provincial Congress
enrolled the Minutemen as an organized militia. The Minutemen figured
prominently in many revolutionary engagements, most notably in the opening
battles of Lexington and Concord fought on April 19, 1775.
The Minutemen were proud to be known
and recognized as being radicals. Indeed, almost everyone who was
involved in the newly born United States of America was known as a radical.
If George Washington, Patrick Henry,
Samuel Adams, John Hancock and Thomas Paine and the hundreds of other Founding
Fathers were proud to be known as "Radicals", then so am I.
"Stand your
ground. Don't fire unless fired upon. But if they mean to have a war, let it
begin here."
Captain John Parker, Lexington
Minute Company, April 19, 1775
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Monthly Newsletter