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At we mourn with the families of the deceased in the greater law enforcement community and urge that peace and common sense will prevail.  I also urge the media to stop throwing gasoline on this fire.

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Press-Media Kit

Media interviews by e-mail only.  Press Releases can be found here as well

This Page Last Updated 12/05/2012


Press Kit

Goals and Objectives

Interviews By E-mail

Press Releases

Hello and welcome to my Press-Media Kit page.  Essentially a press kit or media kit is a packet of information about a business, product or venture.  A good press kit is like a résumé for your company or website.

It's a collection of information put together to answer specific questions from the media, investors, contributors, potential clientele or from other interested parties.  I hope to create enough interest for members of the media to contact me for an interview by e-mail for a story in print, online, radio or even for television.

Press Kit

My name is Marc Richardson, I'm an NRA Certified Firearm Instructor, NRA Membership Recruiter, NRA Life Member and I've had more than three decades of shooting experience, training and knowledge.

I do everything here by myself.  Every word on every page was typed by me, every e-mail is answered by me, every visitor is educated and helped by me.  I have no employees at all.

It's my belief that anti-gun people are decent and caring individuals who want to do something about violent crime where guns are used.  However, most of them don't have a single clue what they're talking about.  My goals are to educate adults, children and the anti-gun crowd on the subject of firearms, law abiding gun owners and how felons actually obtain their weapons.

I do my best not to insult and name-call anti-gunners with whom I've had contact.  It's merely my aim to make sure they know the truth on these issues.  Most of the time, the truth alone is enough to get them to change course to a certain degree.  I've seen pro-gun advocates respond with insulting and vitriolic diatribes against the anti-gun movement, but I don't think that's very helpful.

We can make great strides in limiting firearm access by felons and reduce armed violent crime, without infringing upon the spirit of the Second Amendment.  We can do this through truth, education and old fashioned common sense.  We must focus efforts to control violent crime upon criminals themselves and their access to guns rather than the firearms of honest sportsmen and sportswomen.

Misguided and ineffective efforts to reduce acts of violent crime, that restrict lawful, honest and upright gun owners have little or no affect upon violent crime at all.  Traditional methods of gun control, serve to restrict freedom and do nothing to restrict crime.  Mostly because virtuous gun owners commit no crimes. is an effort that was born in January 2000, as a replacement for a personal website called Marc's Gun Safety and Education Website that I had online for a couple of years before that.

As of this writing, has seen more than 450,000 visitors and more than 3,000,000 hits.  I have helped more than 65,000 children learn the truth about guns, gun owners and gun safety.  My "For Kids Only" page and my "Safety Rules" page are top ranked pages in the world for gun safety information.  Most websites stop at ten gun safety rules, while I have posted fifty (50) or more.

Goals and Objectives

It is the goal of to educate the visitor who is interested in firearms, but only has had limited experience owning and using firearms.

A major goal and objective of mine is to get out the truth about firearms and the good men and women who own and use them safely every day.

Equally, it's very important to fully realize how violent felons are obtaining guns and how traditional methods of gun control don't have any affect upon them.

I also would like to reach more children with a simple and life-saving gun safety message.

Lastly, an objective of mine to is prompt a much higher percentage of lawful gun owners to get off their lazy behinds and help counter the anti-gun crowd at every turn.

  • Educate the inexperienced, but interested visitor.

  • Get out the truth about both guns and law abiding gun owners.

  • To help people realize how felons obtain guns and why gun control doesn't affect them.

  • Reach children with a gun safety message.

  • Prompt more gun owners to get active.

Interviews By E-mail

I will gladly take media interviews by e-mail.  E-mail interviews are the interview method that works best for me.  I hold down a regular full-time job and I'm not available all the time.  In addition, a completely answered question is much better than being caught on-the-spot without all the facts in front of me.

I look forward to hearing from members of the media.  E-mail me for newspaper, magazine, radio, online or other electronic or printed media interviews.

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