to SaveTheGuns.com
Pushing the die-hard
anti-gunner to the fringe of extinction by promoting the truth, using common
sense and a modicum of civility since January 2000.
This Page Last Updated 08/04/2016
Can You Help?
Will you be one who stands outside of the National Rifle Association like
94% of American gun owners and cast stones of unwarranted accusation at
the NRA? The strength,
power, spirit and might of the NRA is in the hearts, heads, minds and
personal activism of its membership. The power of the NRA is not in
Wayne or an NRA Board Member, or the current NRA President standing in
front of a camera and microphone or in being quoted by a local news
reporter. The MIGHT of the NRA is in each of us who are active,
determined and involved in the fight. So,
if you stand outside of NRA membership, claiming that you're not going to
join because the NRA hasn't done enough in your town, your city or your
state, then the real problem is staring right back at you in the mirror
each morning. JOIN THE NRA and
preserve gun rights for the next generation, or be prepared to wear the
chains of oppression that you have allowed to be placed on your own
outstretched arms. Click
here now, get out a credit/debit card and get in the fight! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There
will be mostly moderate increases in membership fees to join or rejoin the
National Rifle Association starting in April 2016. If
you would like to renew your NRA membership early to add time at a lower
rate, you should consider getting that done soon. <<
NOTE: Renewing early does not diminish your current membership, but
just adds time to your existing one. >> The
NRA is the most effective and most powerful way to protect the
inalienable, preexisting and natural rights of free Americans from those
on the anti-gun Left who would like to see our rights go away.

Marc Richardson
Owner/Webmaster www.SaveTheGuns.com
NRA Membership Recruiter
Retired NRA Certified Firearm Instructor
us on Facebook!!!
God bless,
P.S. I give you my personal permission to quote
and share my thoughts on this post. In fact, I humbly request that
you copy it, print it, hand it out, put it on your Facebook wall, put it
in your discussion groups, online forums and even tack it up on the
bulletin board at your gun club. Just be sure to print it all and
not just parts of it and that I get credit for it. Thanks, Marc,
Owner/Webmaster www.SaveTheGuns.com

Not an NRA Member? Shame on you!
We would not even be having this conversation
on the topic of gun rights in America if it wasn't for the hard work and
dedication of the National Rifle Association. You say that you don't have
the money??? An Associate Membership (no magazine) is just $10.00 per
year, that's less than three cents (-$0.03) each day. Before you do
anything else, do your duty and support the NRA through your membership. JOIN
THE NRA TODAY. You can save $10.00 on a regular annual membership by
using the link I've just provided, making it just $25.00. JOIN
The vast majority of people with anti-gun sentiments who want
to see more gun control in the United States are good, decent and caring people
who want to do something about violent crimes where guns are used. But
they just don't know enough about the subject to make good, logical
decisions. The approach of SaveTheGuns.com is based on the premise that
those who support gun control simply need to know the facts to make better
decisions on where to stand on the issue of gun control.
My Philosophy
My philosophy on this subject is actually quite simple.
The core of my entire effort to help restore and preserve the 2nd
Amendment's protection of the people's right to keep and bear arms consists of
telling the truth and adding more light than heat to the discussion. In
addition to telling the truth about guns, lawful gun owners and the failure and
unconstitutionality of gun control, I also implore gun owners to get active and
I have a passion to get good gun safety information to new gun owners and
To tell the truth.
Add more light than heat to the discussion.
Get the inactive gun owner onto the battlefield and
involved in the fight.
Teach gun safety and basic firearm education to children,
new gun owners and those few who actually support gun control laws.
This is an effort by a retired Basic Firearm Education Instructor and NRA
Recruiter, to promote gun
safety and education, while advancing and encouraging
truth, common sense and
gun owner activism on this sometimes
needlessly controversial subject. You will find basic firearm information,
safety rules, important quotes from the Founding Fathers on the subject, my
sentiments on the issues and a couple of free e-books that I wrote.
This website's focus is to educate the general public
properly and truthfully on this issue. The only way to solve this issue
correctly is to fully expose the truth. Once the truth is fully known,
only then can we speak about solutions that will work. Any solution must
be held up to the light of the Constitution and be compared to the text of its
precepts, as well as the thoughts and principles of the Founding Fathers.
If the liberal mass media defended and interpreted the Second
Amendment as they have the First Amendment, firearm ownership and daily carry of
firearms would be mandatory for every citizen at least sixteen (16) years of
The Second Amendment is
second in importance only to the First!!! Indeed, it's the Second
Amendment that allows the general population to defend all the rest of them from
any attempt at tyranny.
the people have property, arms in their hands, and only a spark of noble spirit,
the most corrupt Congress must be mad to form any project of tyranny."
Rev. Nicholas Collin, Fayetteville
Gazette (N.C.), October 12, 1789
I have had very
positive feedback from members of the law enforcement and judicial community, as
well as some positive comments from some well known Second Amendment Warriors.
Let me give you an idea of the kind of stuff you'll find here
at SaveTheGuns.com. The following is a quote from James Madison sixteen
(16) months before he introduced the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. House of
Representatives in 1789.
the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of
almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which
the people are attached and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a
barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which
a simple government of any form can admit of."
James Madison, The Federalist No. 48,
February 1, 1788
What Is SaveTheGuns.com's
Mission and Vision?
The mission and vision of
SaveTheGuns.com is to educate new gun owners, gun control supporters and
children on the subjects of firearms, honest gun owners and the near total
failures and unconstitutionality of gun control laws. Secondarily,
SaveTheGuns.com also urges all freedom-loving Americans to get active, join the
NRA and other pro-2nd Amendment groups and start making a difference instead of
merely complaining amongst others of like mind.
This mission and vision focuses in three (3) distinct areas:
To put a stop to the useless
proliferation of gun control efforts through both Congress and the fifty
state legislatures that won't affect rates of violent
crime, have no affect on
the criminal mind and openly violate the Second Amendment found in the Bill
of Rights. Gun control laws don't affect the criminal mind, nor
unlawful access to illegally obtained firearms. Gun control laws
serve ONLY to diminish individual liberty. That is why the Founding Fathers
placed the right of the people to keep and bear arms right after the First Amendment's protection of speech, religion,
press, petition and assembly.
To get anti-gun people to
completely understand that their lack of knowledge on the subject of
guns is NOT something to be ashamed of. The vast majority of
anti-gun folks are decent and honest people, who want to do something
about the rates of violent crime where guns are used, but simply don't
have the knowledge or proper education to effectively go about
affecting those rates.
That is perhaps where my efforts differ from many others. I
assume that the anti-gun person is a decent, honest and upright
citizen, who wants to do something to affect rates of violent crime,
but unfortunately does not know very much about the subject.
That is the most common thread I've seen in the anti-gun effort.
I'm working to make certain that the person who supports gun control
laws and new shooters
are informed enough to make a good choice on where to stand on this
important issue.
Once we shed light on the
issue of gun control, fully expose the weaknesses and illogical doctrines of the
gun control effort and uncover the truth about law abiding gun owners, while
examining what the Founding Fathers actually said and wrote on the subject, I am
abundantly confident that gun control as a national issue will die a slow death
through attrition and the deterioration of public support.
At SaveTheGuns.com, I concentrate on using
truth, education and
activism to reach
the mission goals. My mission
is to educate people on the firearm issue, teach gun safety and proper handling
and nudge the visitor toward a higher level of activism. It's not enough
to just be an NRA Member. It's not enough
to be a member of the Gun Owner's of America.
You've got to get active!! REALLY ACTIVE. Only
about 5% of all gun owners are members of the NRA and even less than that have
ever written a letter to their Congressman or even state legislator. That
means that fully 95% of American gun owners are not really involved in this
fight. That in my opinion is simply outrageous!! You
will not see the slanted poll questions, false statistics, misleading
information and outright lies that are used profusely on most anti-gun Web sites
and organizations.
I believe that the main reason
we have had to fight for our rights under the Second Amendment is a nearly
complete lack of knowledge in the non-gun owning population. If one does
not have sound knowledge, experience and confidence concerning firearms, they
generally get their opinions from the media and the entertainment industry, who
are notorious for misinformation and outright lies.
I believe that the focus of pro-gun groups around the country should concentrate
upon education of the general public and the enlightening of legislators, even
if it involves a reallocation of funds. Too often the money of pro-gun
groups is thrown in the faces of elected officials, when the answer to restoring
the 2nd Amendment is to educate the public.
I have been a Certified Firearm Instructor since my early twenties and for the
last two decades, I have been on the front lines of fighting for our beloved Second Amendment. In that time, I have come to realize that those
who support gun control legislation, are actually well intentioned and decent
people who want to do something about firearms that get used during the
commission of a crime, but in reality, have no idea what they are talking about
and ordinarily demonstrate a nearly complete lack of knowledge about the
The NRA's original focus in 1871 was upon education and training. It is what has made us so effective over the last
135 years. My experience tells
me that there is a malignant cycle to gun control legislation being signed into
law, that can be fought more effectively with an increased concentration upon education.
This cycle begins with a lack of knowledge or a total ignorance of the subject.
This lack of knowledge, fed by the misinformation coming from the anti-gun
groups, the media and the entertainment industry creates an irrational and
permeating fear of both firearms and honest gun owners. We
humans have always feared the unknown. From the era before we realized you
couldn't sail off the edge of the world to today's youngster who may be afraid
of the dark. This
fear of gun owners and our lawfully owned firearms leads to enmity or even hatred of
guns and gun owners alike. This cycle then moves into the legislative
process and when ignorance, fear and hatred get together, it results in laws
that violate our right to own and carry firearms.
We must increase our focus upon properly educating the non-gun owning public and
give them the information, experience and confidence concerning firearms that we
have naturally obtained over the years through lawful and honest firearm ownership and experience.
I heartily advocate getting involved in the education and training of America's youth. If we don't properly
educate and train the youngsters of today, we might as well say goodbye to our right to keep and bear arms tomorrow.
America's young people hold the key to
the very future of firearm rights. They will not be taught the truth about
firearms and lawful gun ownership in school. That is going to have to be
our job. The best way to start this effort to secure America's future of
our right to bear arms is to purchase
a Junior NRA Membership for a child from 0 to 17 years old.
I believe that we have a social
responsibility to both own and carry firearms. Violent crime would come to
a quick halt if everyone resisted criminals as best as they could and never
give them what they want. I believe that we can drastically reduce rates
of violent crime, simply by universally resisting criminal acts in progress. Can
you contribute today to help keep this effective Web site online? PLEASE
What can SaveTheGuns.com do
for you?
150 families will have to bury a child between the ages of 0 and 19 years of age
because of an accident with a firearm. These 150 plus families could have
avoided this terrible tragedy by visiting this Web site and going over my "Safety
Rules" page and my "For Kids
Only" page with their children.
What can you do to help me?
Send me
a contribution to help me keep up with my expenses. I rely mostly
upon voluntary contributions to keep up with expenses.
promote this Web site. Tell your family, friends and gun
club buddies about www.SaveTheGuns.com.
Post this address on Facebook,
bulletin boards, chat rooms and
add it to signature files in your e-mail program.
Make certain that you stay
involved, don't let ignorant and uninformed politicians and anti-gun
activists get you down and
always vote.
someone out target shooting with you this year,
who has never been shooting before and tell them
about www.SaveTheGuns.com.
Try your best to take out at least one new shooter
each year and carefully instruct them on basic gun
safety rules.
OK parents,
if you have children and firearms, this message is
for you.
I believe that the words, intention and
spirit of the Second Amendment's protection against
government control of
lawfully owned firearms, tells us that as Americans, always ready to defend
freedom, we should have proper and complete instruction and training in the
keeping and use of guns.
As parents and gun owners, we have the
responsibility to obtain proper training for both ourselves and our children.
Firearms can be deadly if they are
mishandled. Indeed over a hundred fifty (150+) families across America have to make the call
to a funeral home and bury a child each year, because they either have not read
or have not obeyed, the gun safety rules on my "Safety
Rules" page.
It is YOUR responsibility to keep your
own children safe. Do not rely upon the National Rifle
Association, your
child's school system or for God's sake, the television to keep accidental
firearm discharges from taking your child's life.
If you have chosen NOT to have a gun in
your house, that's fine too, but PLEASE realize that close to half of all homes
in the United States do contain at least one gun. Which means that if you
do not have a gun in your house, then chances are that both of your neighbors
do. Please take the time to get proper training, or at least visit my "Safety
Rules" page and my "For Kids
Only" page, even if you don't have any firearms.
It is important for you to know that
accidental deaths with guns are currently at their all-time low. However,
I do not want any visitor to this Web site to have to bury one of their children
or grandchildren, due to a very preventable accidental discharge. Please
seek out the information I have provided here. I have taught gun safety
and firearm education since I was a kid myself. Now in my forties, I do
have a pretty good idea what I'm talking about.
As a lawful gun owner you have at least
five (5) responsibilities:
For Hunters Only
If you are new to taking up the sport
of hunting or have been hunting for many years, please hear this very simple
Get proper training through the
National Rifle Association's hunter education and training services or through
your state's fisheries and wildlife department, before you go out hunting.
Secondly, I have a very simple message
for you, that will keep accidental hunting deaths down to statistically
insignificant levels...
Never simply shoot at movement or
sound, while hunting. The horror that you would endure by killing another
human being by accident, should compel you to do everything possible to avoid
Support for Gun Control
It is
the belief of SaveTheGuns.com, that those who support stringent control of firearm ownership,
do so out of only two (2) mindsets, a lack of knowledge or a thirst for control
over fellow citizens.
Lack of
Humans have always feared the unknown. It
is one of our primal instincts. Most people who support stringent gun control,
do so because they fear firearms. This fear of guns leads
to a sense of animosity, disdain or hatred.
This area is best fought against, by simply getting out the truth about lawful
gun ownership and the dynamics involved, concerning the violent felon's access
to firearms and how it is never affected by gun control laws.
Seven percent (7%) of the criminals, commit eighty five percent (85%) of all
violent crime.
Taking this real world statistic, we can reduce violent crime by 85% by
incarcerating or executing this most violent segment of the criminal population.
Can anyone with a sound mind, believe that this most
violent segment of the criminal population is willing or inclined to obey a law
that regulates firearm possession and carry laws??? Come on now, murderers
don't care about gun control.
Thirst for
Government has always sought to gain more power
and authority for itself. It is in the nature of every government to
continue its power-grab until it undergoes a dramatic change through
America's Founding Fathers knew this was true. That is
precisely why a Bill of Rights was included in the founding documents of the
United States.
"I hope,
therefore, a Bill of Rights will be formed to guard the people against the
Federal government as they are already guarded against their State governments,
in most instances."
Thomas Jefferson to James Madison,
Politicians who know the truth about how felons gain access to firearms and
still advocate for strict gun control laws, should be scrutinized very closely
as to their Socialist, Marxist and/or Fascist motives.
armed and free Citizenry is the final check and balance on the scope of
government power and control. That's precisely what the founders intended
it to be. A final securely locked door keeping at bay the possibility that
America will degenerate into some kind of vicious dictatorship.
people armed and free forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition and is
a bulwark for the nation against foreign invasion and domestic oppression."
James Madison (1751-1836), Father of
the Constitution for the USA, 4th US President
The Founding Fathers knew what they meant and meant what they said. See
the quotes and find out for
yourself. The Second Amendment does indeed protect private citizen gun
ownership and always has. To those trying to revise U.S. history and say
otherwise, I say go read your history books as long as they still contain the
truth that is...
A free and armed populace will guarantee that dictatorship and tyranny will
never take hold in America. Government officials who support gun control
should be scrutinized very, very carefully as to their motives.
Most people who favor strict control on lawful civilian firearm ownership, do so
because of their own fear and lack of knowledge concerning guns.
Common sense dictates that violent
career criminals will not obey a law regulating the purchase, ownership and
transportation of firearms.
Anyone who thinks gun control laws will be obeyed by murderers, ought to visit
their local mental health professional for a thorough check-up.
The criminal mind is never affected by gun control laws,
because they don't bother to obey them. Why
is that so difficult for some people to understand? Where has our common
sense gone? Lawful gun owners commit no crimes...why then is most gun
control focused upon the law-abiding?
Black market sources will always supply
illegal items to those who are willing to break the law to get them. That
is why rates of violent crime committed with firearms are highest in states with
the most gun control laws.
United Kingdom and Australia are finding this out the hard way. Crimes in these two
countries are very high yet lawful citizens have been almost totally disarmed...
The United Kingdom is 6th in the world in terms of the number of crimes per
capita. In the U.K. there are 85,550 criminal acts for every one million
U.K. citizens.
Australia, in terms of the percentage of the population who have been crime
victims, Australia is number one (1) in the world. 30.1% of the entire
Australian population has been a victim of crime. It's 26.4% in the United
Kingdom for the same statistic. The United States sits in 15th place with
21.1% of the population having been a victim of criminal activity.
These black market sources have always sprung up when lawful access to a desired
item is restricted or outlawed.
Alcohol could be easily obtained during "Prohibition", because illegal
sources of alcohol were plentiful.
Because of the demand, there will always be alternative sources. The same
principle can be found in the illegal narcotics trade. Marijuana and
cocaine have been banned, but are readily available in nearly every city to
those who are willing to break the law to get them. Common sense abounds
in these words, right?
Habitually violent criminals and felons who carry firearms, did not obtain them
by applying for a license and visiting their local sporting goods outlet.
They obtained them illegally.
Does anybody think that drug addicted
gang members and career felons ever held a firearm license?
These black markets cater specifically to those who habitually break the law...
Therefore, I boldly conclude, that gun control laws, ONLY serve to diminish
freedom, oppress the law-abiding, create new black market sources for firearms,
put us at MORE RISK and possibly open the door to tyranny. Gun
control....great idea. Especially if your name is Stalin, Hitler or a host
of other tyrants in recent world history.
There has been major gun control efforts on the books in America since the
National Firearm Act of 1934.
25,000 gun laws and over 70 years later, some people still think that violent
felons obey gun control laws. If that notion wasn't so pitifully inane, it
would be comical.
Informed---Stay Vigilant---Stay United
The truth of the matter is that politicians want to make it seem like they are
doing something about violent crime and they cannot legislate morality and
religion back into the lives of their constituents.
We all want to do something about felons carrying firearms and committing crimes
with them. But violent felons don't obey laws that regulate gun
possession. Violent crime will only diminish when religion and morality
play a larger role in our lives. Please see my
"Share The Solution" page for
Politicians must focus their legislative efforts upon felony possession of guns
and not lawful possession. Additional penalties should be added to an
individual crime, if a firearm is used. The law abiding gun owner should
be left out of the loop entirely. Restricting the lawful citizen, will
never affect the rates of violent crime.
We should focus on three (3) areas to bring down rates of violent crime
committed with illegally possessed firearms.
1.) Impose additional penalties onto a crime if a
firearm was present.
A. Five (5) additional years for firearm
possession during commission of a violent crime.
B. Ten (10) additional years for brandishing a
firearm during the commission of a violent crime.
C. Fifteen (15) additional years for firing a
firearm during the commission of a violent crime.
D. Twenty (20) additional years for injuring or
killing a person during the commission of a violent crime.
2.) Impose additional penalties to a robbery where a firearm is stolen.
An additional five (5) years should be added to a robbery of a household or
business where a gun is stolen, per firearm.
3.) Impose strict and hard-fisted penalties upon the supplier of the illegal gun, as long as the supplier was aware
that the perpetrator was a felon or was about to use the gun during a felony.
The most
prevalent source of firearms that are used during the commission of a violent
crime are the friends and family members of the felon. We should put some
serious emphasis on diminishing this source of crime guns.
How truly difficult is that to understand?
Stop blaming rates of violent crime upon honest and
lawful gun owners who merely own firearms and have
chosen to exercise their Second Amendment right to
own and carry arms. It won't affect rates of violent crime where guns are
used, because 86.2% of criminals who use guns to commit crime with, don't even
obtain them through a retail source according to a well known study done by the
United States Department of Justice. The plain truth is that lawful,
upstanding and honest gun owners commit no crimes. Now that's not that
hard to understand is it? Even for a liberal...
All children should receive proper firearm education. Gun safety for kids
is my passion. Please find time to visit my
gun safety page for kids.