Stop The Violence I really should rename this
page to This Page Last updated 12/05/2012
Not an NRA Member? Shame on you! We would not even be having this conversation on the topic of gun rights in America if it wasn't for the hard work and dedication of the National Rifle Association. You say that you don't have the money??? An Associate Membership (no magazine) is just $10.00 per year, that's less than three cents (-$0.03) each day. Before you do anything else, do your duty and support the NRA through your membership. JOIN THE NRA TODAY. You can save $10.00 on a regular annual membership by using the link I've just provided, making it just $25.00. JOIN TODAY. Violence (vi·o·lence)
Note: There is nothing in the above definitions about firearms. Genesis 4:8 (NIV) "Now Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. Let me begin this page by stating a clear, immutable and perpetual fact: Violence will NEVER go away!!! It is absurd and preposterous to think we can actually bring an end to violence. There was a murder is God's very first family according to the passage quoted above. Violence will not simply go away. I really should rename this page "Reduce The Violence" but I won't, because the anti-gun people always use it to good affect, so why not I? Save The Guns And Reduce The Violence. Of course I want to reduce the incidence of violence. Doesn't every sane, law-abiding and God fearing person? But I want to reduce the violence without diminishing the Constitution. That is a clear distinction that the elite leftists of this country refuse to make. It seems to be quite alright with the Socialist left in America to water down the Bill of Rights, but not me. We can do countless things to reduce the occurrence of violence in our communities without affecting the original intention and meaning of the right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed under the United States Constitution. Laws must be forged and passed that affect the criminal mind and reduce their desire to use a firearm to commit a crime with. Laws must be forged and passed that affect the sources of firearms that are actually used during the commission of a crime and not simply blanket the firearm owning public with useless, ineffective and openly unconstitutional regulation. That's not too difficult to understand even for a "progressive" socialist liberal is it? My "Share The Solution" page has my opinions on how we can make America a better place without diminishing freedom and liberty. On the "Share The Solution" page, there are many quotations from famous people concerning religion and morality. If you don't know what it was like in America's past, these great quotations might give you an idea. As a result of the partiality and bias of the print and electronic media, lawful gun ownership and responsible firearm usage nearly seem like a violent criminal act in and of itself. Firearm ownership and usage is not synonymous with violence, and should never be viewed as such, that shows a complete lack of knowledge. We can indeed protect our rights to own the firearm of our choice, while doing something pro-actively about violence in our communities. Proper Punishment Let me first concentrate on proper and effective punishment for violent criminals.
Therefore, if we were to just magically incarcerate the most violent 7% of the criminals, violent crime would drastically drop by a whopping 85%!!! Proper and fitting punishment for violent crime is an essential ingredient in stopping the violence. Do the crime, do the time. It is far past time to stop coddling people who habitually commit violent crime as if they were disruptive 5 year olds in a pre-school class!!! A person who was brought up in a violent atmosphere and who was not loved appropriately as a child, cannot be re-habituated, because they were not "habituated" in the first place. If their character and their conduct cannot be significantly changed, they MUST be kept away from society. They must have freedom removed from their lives as Americans, in order to perpetuate freedom for the rest of the nation. I hope that was clear enough to penetrate the liberal mind. Punish Them For Choosing A Gun Our legislators must give the Judicial Branch of our government the power to add penalties to a crime if a gun was present or used. Firearms that are used in crime are almost universally obtained illegally or fraudulently. Congress and the legislatures of the fifty (50) states must begin to develop policies that punish criminal use of firearms and not mere possession of firearms by lawful, honest and upright Citizens. Law-abiding gun owners commit no crime. Here is my recipe:
If my recipe for stopping violence committed with firearms was implemented, just as I have written it above, crime committed with firearms will disappear from the United States. What is wrong with this recipe? Let's punish criminals specifically for using firearms during the commission of crimes. If a violent career criminal chooses a firearm, they should see vastly increased penalties for committing the crime. Regulating the law abiding gun owners...
Get Active In nearly every neighborhood in America, there are young boys that are growing up in single parent or no parent homes. Somewhere near you, there is a young boy who is being brought up by a grandparent and this grandparent cannot handle him or her effectively. Somewhere near you, there is a fatherless youth with no role model or guide to teach him the difference between right and wrong, immorality and morality... Somewhere near you, there is a child who is about to give into peer pressure and is about to try out illegal drugs, because nobody ever told him not to. Somewhere near you, there is a young boy who has never been to church and has no idea who Jesus Christ is and what He died for and probably has never even read the Ten Commandments of God. Why do we always hear ourselves say "somebody should do something"? [me included] We need to elevate ourselves and get involved to some degree in the lost generation of youth in America who are crying out for change. Either we do that, or we will pay the price for it years down the line. Neighborhood Crime Watches are a great idea. The police cannot be everywhere at all times and they need your help. But the real solution lies in the fact that young men do not have moral, ethical and religious fathers and mothers who live together and care about their children's futures. The Real Solution (hint: It can be found in America's past)
"The moral
principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of
all our civil constitutions and laws. All the miseries and evils which men
suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war,
proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the
"When you become
entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be
impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, "just
men who will rule in the fear of God." The preservation of [our]
government depends on the faithful discharge of this Duty; if the citizens
neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will
soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for
selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to
execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and
the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded. If [our]
government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because
the citizens neglect the Divine Commands, and elect bad men to make and
administer the Laws." For many more quotes like these, go to my "Share The Solution" page. You won't be disappointed. As long as you can take the truth. Your Suggestions For Reducing Violence What can we do as pro-active Americans to reduce the incidence of violence in our communities without affecting the lawful, honest and righteous gun owner? Send me an e-mail with your stop-the-violence suggestions. Visitor's Suggestions I will post visitor's suggestions right here: Visitor Suggestion #1 Probably one of the biggest contributing factors to crime in this country is oppression of the poor. Until the poor are recognized as citizens too (not scum) they will continue having to do what 'they ' deem necessary to survive. Furthermore there is something wrong with a country who has an elect few raping their workers. A man lives in a $1 million home and pays his employees minimum wage. Yea there is something wrong with this picture. Homeless families on the streets and cold, then they send a space shuttle into space, yea something wrong here. Webmaster's Note: I think there are plenty of families living at or below the poverty level who have traditional religious and moral values and teach them to their children. Poverty as a cause of crime is a copout in my mind, that is not a legitimate excuse for sinful, illegal, immoral and uncivil behavior. Marc's Final Word I HAVE SAID IT BEFORE, BUT IT BEARS REPEATING AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE, EACH STATE DESPERATELY NEEDS TO ENACT HABITUAL OFFENDER LEGISLATION SUCH AS "THREE STRIKES AND YOU'RE OUT". FURTHER RESTRICTIONS ON LAWFUL AND RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP WILL BE IGNORED BY THE VIOLENT AND OBEYED BY THE LAWFUL. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE HERE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. WE MUST PROPERLY PUNISH THOSE WHO COMMIT UNLAWFUL, IMMORAL AND UNCIVIL BEHAVIOR, WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON CHOOSING A FIREARM TO COMMIT THE CRIME WITH. WE CANNOT IGNORE OUR NATION'S YOUTH WHO ARE CRYING OUT FOR CHANGE. WE NEED TO GET BACK TO THE AMERICA OF OUR PAST AND MIRROR AMERICAN SOCIETY WHEN THERE WERE MUCH FEWER VIOLENT CRIMES COMMITTED PER CAPITA. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK AND YES, I'M SHOUTING WITH THESE CAPITAL LETTERS. :-)
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